3 Things Every Orthopedic Patient Should Know
Whether you’re a world-renowned professional athlete, a weekend warrior that’s known to lay it all on the line during a company softball game or simply someone who likes to shoot some hoops with friends every day Saturday, sports injuries can happen to anyone. And it generally doesn’t matter how hard you might be going or how easy you are taking it – injuries can happen to anybody! From issues like sprained ankles, torn muscles and ligaments, strains and more – the muscles and connective tissue along the legs and arms can easily breakdown as a result of unwarranted super-fast movements that an individual and their body might not have been expecting at all. According to Dr. Varma, one of the best orthopedics Manhattan has to offer, and his team at Manhattan Orthopedics, the fact is that whether you have ongoing backaches or sustain a sudden sports injury, orthopedic specialists are the ones who relieve your pain and help you get back to normal life. But what do they want you to know before you enter the exam room? It vital that we educate ourselves as best we can, to not only ensure that we don’t make the same mistakes as those that came before us, but we also are more so aware of what kinds of medical issues one can face and what is the best way that they can navigate around making such errors and having such issues negatively impact us in both the short and long term. So, without any further ado, here are some important things every patient needs to know before having such a procedure done. from history Here’s the inside scoop, directly from bone and joint docs.
· Give Your Doctor the FULL Story
One of the biggest mistakes that patients can make is to tell their doctors a lie and make up exactly how an injury might have taken place – as you never know, how even the slightest variation might impact your treatment and might affect how you guys decide you go about treatment. And according to Dr. Varma, one of the best orthopedics Manhattan has to offer, and his team at Manhattan Orthopedics, feel free to tell your friends and colleagues something completely different, a story that you fell down skiing down one of the most treacherous mountains in all of Colorado, on your most recent vacation – when the truth in fact, is that you slipped on a wet floor, going down stairs in the dark to grab a midnight snack. The thing is that the manner in which you fell and where you fell might point the surgeon in another direction, and point towards some type of a weakness or issue in the muscle that normal testing wouldn’t even find.
· Your Story Can Tell a Lot More Than Imagine Can
This is probably something that most people don’t know, but when you give as much detail as possible in your story to your doctor as you can, it helps a great deal more than if you were to withhold information and simply just have them go by the MRI. In fact, all too often, MRI’s can tell the incorrect details, and lead to complete miscommunications, unless you are there to clean things up and fully corroborate what’s actually happening on the screen itself.
· Sometimes Issues aren’t That Serious
One of the most interesting things about a lot of patients at Manhattan Orthopedics is that they simply come in for any single ache or pain they might be feeling, and in many cases, these issues simply aren’t big enough or severe enough to even warrant a trip to the doctor or surgeon. According to Dr. Varma, one of the best orthopedics Manhattan has to offer, and his team at Manhattan Orthopedics, while many patients might freak out over every little thing, the truth of the matter is that most minor sprains, strains, and overuse injuries, such as tendinitis, can be treated with rest, ice, and over-the-counter anti-inflammatories. The fact is that when you come in to see an orthopedic doctor or surgeon, when your issues around grave enough, they will simply tell you the same thing – go home, ice it, elevate it, wrap it up as needed, and you’ll be fine in a few days. All too often, patients freak out and simply book appointments on their own. The best thing is to see if these at-home remedies work or not, then if they do not, after you’ve rested and tried all else, go see your regular doctor, and if he feels it to be the right move, then have him refer you to a team like Manhattan Orthopedics.
For more information on all there is to know about orthopedic medicine and appointments, be sure to contact Dr. Vikas Varma today.