3 More Common Misconceptions About Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
In the world of medicine, over the last few years, we have seen quite a few amazing innovations come about. With advancements taking place across the tech world, and medicine being such an integral aspect of our society, and being a trillion-dollar industry on its own – its no surprise that some of those innovations would make their way into the medical realm and allow for the betterment of individuals everywhere. One of the most important areas of the healthcare world in which technology has made quite a difference has to be the world of orthopedic surgery, and better yet, orthopedic spine surgery. See in years past, despite being one of the most vital areas of medicine, as the spine is one of the most sensitive areas along the body, spine surgery was one of the most dangerous and highly involved types of surgery – with procedures often requiring highly invasive measures and a long and drawn-out recovery period. However, due to doctors such as Dr. Vikas Varma, considered to be the best spine surgeon NYC has to offer, we have seen amazing advancements in minimally invasive spine surgery – allowing individuals to have procedures with far less recovery time, and allowing them to attain far greater results. As the top spine surgeon Manhattan has in practice, Dr. Vikas Varma and his team are able to use innovative tools, and laser equipment to make things far easier on the patient. However, just like most innovations, when things become mainstream, there comes the wave of individuals across the internet, to issue a ton of misinformation and myths about the topic – and unfortunately minimally invasive spine surgery procedures are no different. Just as we have in previous articles, we will use this article to explore a few more of the common myths associated with this type of spine surgery procedure.
· Most Spinal Issues are Far Too Complicated for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
This is one of the most common myths passed around across internet forums, as individuals who have had surgery in the past, using far more invasive measures, simply didn’t have the option back then. The fact is that according to Dr. Varma, the best spine surgeon NYC has to offer, very few spinal issues cannot be remedied using minimally invasive spine surgery. In fact, at his practice, the overwhelming majority of cases can be solved using minimally invasive spine surgery, and in the rare case they can’t there are still advancements out there that make it much easier than it was in years past.
· The Best Minimally Invasive Doctors Have the Best Technology
This is a huge issue, as many individuals who lack the knowledge about minimally invasive procedures have a tendency to think its all about the tech, and it doesn’t really matter about the experience of the doctor. This has even led many to believe that an inexperienced doctor might even be better, as they don’t have bad habits acquired as a result of experience. This isn’t the case, according to the top spine surgeon Manhattan has to offer, Dr. Varma, the doctors training and experience are the most vital components of having a successful procedure. And without a proper team and surgical experience, its important not to trust a doctor very much. Experience plus technology, makes for the best care, in the end.
· All Doctors do Minimally Invasive Procedures These Days
While the overwhelming majority of doctors certainly believe in the use of minimally invasive procedures, when it comes to any type of surgery, its important to understand that not all doctors feel this way. According to the best spine surgeon NYC has in practice, Dr. Varma, many doctors still refuse to abandon their old techniques, and while this doesn’t necessarily make them a poor choice, they may not be the right choice for you! Its important to do your research and ask as many questions during your consultation as possible.
For more information on spine surgery, be sure to contact Dr. Varma today.